Sunday, December 6, 2009

Download WoW now or later?

Should i download world of warcraft now or later. Im probly getting warcraft Next Week So Which Should i do.

1.Do it now and get it over with

2.Wait till i buy the game then download it.

I have 5 CD's to download WoW

I also want to know how the installer works through the CD

Download WoW now or later?coolest myspace

Do it now, download the patches and stuff, or you'll regret it later when you sit for five hours staring at the computer screen waiting for it to download.

Installer? Forgive my lack of knowledge on some things ^^; However, it'll just come up as normal and ask you if you want to install it, and you can choose the location. The patches are the only things you'd need to download online.

Also, I'd recommend getting the ten-day free trial (if you haven't already just downloaded and played that). Even though it sets some restrictions, it gives you ten days free, so it's definitely worth it (for at least half that time).

Download WoW now or later?myspace comments

The installer works through the CD. The programming on the CD allows it to install on your computer. But, I would install it now, so you can download all the patches for the game itself. There are about 500MB worth of patches.

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